
时间:2010-09-23  来源:考博  阅读:


 In the past few days, there have been frequent natural disasters, namely earthquakes,mud-rock flow, tsunami, floods and so on, which killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes. Consequently, large numbers of people have suffered psychic upheaval and deemed the doomsday of earth is coming near. 在过去的几天里,自然灾害频繁:地震,泥石流,海啸,洪水等,造成了成千上万人死亡,摧毁了无数的房屋。大量的人遭受恐慌,认为地球末日就要来临了。   As a university student, I hope people should be aware that those disasters are not the hints of doomsday, but just retribution of our doings on earth. So as to calm psychic upheaval, we should take actions to stop damaging our home-planet, for instance, do not cut down too many trees in the forests, try to protect environment right start from daily things and make the earth a lovely place suitable to live in. 作为一个大学生,我希望人们应该意识到这些灾难都不是世界末日的暗示,只是对我们对地球所做的惩罚。静下心来,我们应该采取措施来阻止对我们地球家园的破坏,不在森林中砍伐太多的树木,从日常事物开始努力保护环境,把地球变成了一个美丽的适合居住的地方。   What’s more, in case of emergencies and disasters, we should keep our head, and rely on ourselves to escape from the disasters. 更重要的是,在突发事件和灾害的情况下,我们应该保持头脑清醒,并依靠自己来躲避灾难。



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