
时间:2011-06-20  来源:翻译  阅读:

With the coming of the night, everyone is tired, want to go to bed.
The sun to heat away, this will let oneself have a warm and sleep. The moon become the cradle of curved boat, his body shook himself to sleep. The wind, blow himself into a roll, and carefully so as not to float around, you can sleep in peace.
The stars also tired, want to sleep, but it always don"t sleep, just blinked assiduously, want to drive away the drowsiness. The stars sleepy why don"t you sleep? Originally, it is to a flower, a small lilac. That one little lilac is too small, too small, it only dare to open in the evening. At night, the little lilac quietly open thin petals, stamens were out of thin, quietly away.
The stars looked at it quietly, sprinkle starlight on small lilac, it looks beautiful!
Finally one day, the stars to small lilac said: "you are beautiful ah, you have light flavor!" Small lilac heard the praise of a friend, smiled happily...
The night very deep, the stars didn"t sleep, it is in heaven with small lilac. Small lilac flowers also didn"t sleep after it ready in the morning sunshine, the stars in the sweet dreams, bravely to bloom their beauty......




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