GRE数学考点:Combinations of Choices

时间:2019-07-26  来源:GRE  阅读:

【导语】汗水和丰收是忠实的伙伴,勤学和知识是一对最美丽的情侣 。本站整理了“GRE数学考点:Combinations of Choices”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注本站!

  Combinations of Choices

  If there are n choices for one type and m choices for second type, then
number of combinations for both types is the product of choices:n*m.


  If there are 3 kinds of breads to choose from and 4 kinds of meats, then we
can make 3*4=12 different sandwiches.

  If an alphabet has 26 letters, then the number of possible 2 letter word is
26*26=676.All of them may not be vaild words.


  Do not add the choices to get the total combinations.

  The product rule can be applied to more than two types of choices: if there
are 3 kinds of breads, 4 kinds of meats, and 6 kinds of cheeses, then we can
make 3*4*6=72 different sandwiches.

GRE数学考点:Combinations of Choices

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